Free Tarot Reading @ Nikhitha - Detailed Tarot Readings

Reading 1 - Relationship Detailed Reading

Hey Nikhitha, here is your reading

1. What am I feeling right now? - Eight of Cups: 

The Eight of Cups suggests that you may be feeling a sense of emotional detachment or a desire to walk away from a situation that no longer serves you. You may be in a period of transition or seeking deeper fulfillment and meaning in your life. It's essential to honor your emotions and trust in your intuition as you navigate this phase of self-discovery.

2. How do I see my love interest? - Page of Cups: 

The Page of Cups represents romantic gestures, emotional sensitivity, and new beginnings in love. You may see your love interest as someone who is gentle, caring, and emotionally expressive. There may be a sense of innocence and optimism in your perception of them, and you may be open to exploring deeper emotional connections with them.

3. How do they feel about me? - Two of Cups: 

The Two of Cups symbolizes mutual love, partnership, and harmony. Your love interest likely feels a strong emotional connection and attraction towards you. There may be a sense of reciprocity and mutual understanding in your relationship, and they may see you as their equal and partner in love.

4. Why do they feel that way about me? - The Lovers: 

The Lovers card represents deep connections, soulmates, and choices made from the heart. Your love interest feels drawn to you on a soul level, recognizing the depth of your connection and the potential for a meaningful relationship. They may see you as someone with whom they share a profound bond and compatibility, making them feel deeply connected and in love with you.

5. What should I do with this knowledge? - The Fool: 

The Fool signifies new beginnings, spontaneity, and embracing the unknown. With this knowledge about your emotions, perception of your love interest, and their feelings towards you, it's time to take a leap of faith and trust in the journey of love. Be open to new experiences, take risks, and follow your heart as you navigate your romantic path.

6. When will my boyfriend (Ravi) come back into my life? - Six of Cups: 

The Six of Cups represents nostalgia, reunions, and reconciliation. This card suggests that Ravi may return into your life when there is a sense of emotional healing and forgiveness between both of you. It's difficult to pinpoint an exact timeframe, but it's likely to occur when you both are ready to embrace the past with compassion and move forward together towards a brighter future. Trust in divine timing and remain open to the possibility of reconciliation when the time is right.

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