Free Tarot Reading for @Keerthi - Detailed Tarot Reading

Reading 1 - Direct Relationship Reading 

Let's explore the insights from the tarot cards for your questions, Keerthi:

1) What am I feeling right now? - Five of Cups: 

The Five of Cups suggests that you may be experiencing feelings of disappointment, loss, and regret. You might find yourself dwelling on past disappointments and missed opportunities in your love life. However, amidst the sorrow, there is a glimmer of hope and resilience within you. It's essential to acknowledge your emotions and allow yourself to process them fully before moving forward.

2) Which one of them, Sai or Vamsi, will be in the future? - Three of Swords: 

The Three of Swords indicates heartbreak, betrayal, and emotional pain. This card suggests that both Sai and Vamsi may have caused you significant emotional distress in the past. It's important to recognize that neither of them may be the ideal partner for you in the future. Instead, focus on healing from past wounds and opening yourself up to new possibilities and healthier relationships.

3) Will I get married to anyone other than these 2 guys? - The Lovers: 

The Lovers card represents deep connections, harmony, and soulmate connections. While you may have experienced heartache and disappointment with Sai and Vamsi, the presence of The Lovers suggests that there is potential for a fulfilling and loving relationship in your future. Trust in the universe's plan for you and remain open to the possibility of meeting someone who aligns with your values and desires for a long-lasting partnership. Remember that true love often comes when you least expect it and when you are ready to receive it with an open heart.

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